Week 2 | Still life & my mortal enemy

by marianneeie

Monday, tired. No lecture. Bed tempting, but lets draw a little instead!

The car was drawn with ink and 45 Pencil. I’ve always been notoriously bad at drawing vehicles, so this is my chance. Manmade creations are hard. Reflections are hard. Yet this is the prettiest car I’ve drawn in my life. It makes it REALLY obvious that I have a lot of room for improvement! Second, drew some car lights with different mediums; hard crayons, ink and markers, soft crayons (with blue!) and charcoal. Lastly, I drew some balls with various materials, using pencils. Being not too familiar nor comfortable with traditional drawing, this is definitely something I should do more. I’m relatively happy with the fur, but many of those material balls are of poor quality in my honest opinion.

Also did some quick <30 second force drawings. I am currently reading through the Force: Dynamic life drawing for animators, and tried to keep Mattesi’s tips and tricks in mind while doing so.